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Fusilade Forte Herbicide - 5 Litre

Item No. FUSFO5
Fast and effective weed control of Couch and other grasses FUSILADE FORTE combines the proven grass weed control and crop safety of FUSILADE with Syngenta's patented ISOLINK surfactant technology for improved performance. Reliable control of grass weeds FUSILADE FORTE provides powerful,


Fast and effective weed control of Couch and other grasses

FUSILADE FORTE combines the proven grass weed control and crop safety of FUSILADE with Syngenta's patented ISOLINK surfactant technology for improved performance.

Reliable control of grass weeds

FUSILADE FORTE provides powerful, post-emergent control of many annual grasses and certain perennial grasses in dozens of horticultural crops, ornamentals and nursery trees. It features a highly flexible application window and a high level of crop safety.

Unique formulation

FUSILADE FORTE features ISOLINK technology which combines the active ingredient, surfactants and oils into tiny micro-droplets within an emulsifiable concentrate. There is no need to add any surfactants or oils to FUSILADE FORTE.

Active ingredient

FUSILADE FORTE contains 128g/L of fluazifop-P, present as the butyl ester, with 156g/L hydrocarbon solvent in an emulsifable concen [1] trate formulation. Fluazifop-P is a member of the "fop" group of herbicides. For resistance management purposes, it is a Group A herbicide.

Mode of action

FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitor of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action. The active ingredient inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids and lipids, which are needed to maintain cell integrity and store energy. Plant growth stops within two days and susceptible weeds stop competing with the crop for available moisture and nutrients. Symptoms such as discolouration, necrosis and swelling are evident in 7 to 10 days.

Improved mixing and spraying

FUSILADE FORTE forms a stable emulsion when mixed with water, ensuring uniform distribution throughout the spray mixture.

The advanced formulation technology produces more uniform spray droplets, reducing the potential for spray drift or large droplets bouncing off the leaf surface of target weeds.

Improved spreading and uptake

FUSILADE FORTE with ISOLINK technology ensures more active ingredient is deposited on and retained by the leaf surface. The surfactants aid wetting and spreading, while the oils maximise uptake of the active ingredient through the leaf cuticle and throughout the plant.

Rapid absorption

FUSILADE FORTE is rapidly absorbed by leaves and green stems of grass weeds and is then translocated to the growing points of the plant, including the leaf tips, roots, rhizomes and stolons. This attribute means FUSILADE FORTE has good activity against perennial and annual grass weeds.

Superior rainfastness

FUSILADE FORTE is rainfast within one hour, significantly faster than other "fops". Laboratory studies on volunteer wheat and barley have confirmed that light rainfall after spraying has little - if any - effect on performance.

Couch grass control

FUSILADE FORTE delivers thorough and cost-effective control of Couch Grass in tree crops and grape vines when applied at 3.3 to 6.6 L/ha as a single application in spring or autumn. Use the higher rate for well established infestations or where greater control is required. Apply in a minimum of 200L/ha of water.

Commercial trials have demonstrated that FUSILADE FORTE delivers superior long-term regrowth control compared to Verdict*. For best results, FUSILADE FORTE should be applied to stands that have a large amount of vegetative shoots present at the same stage of growth.

"Double Knock" program to control Couch Grass

In stands that contain a high level of advanced shoots and therefore less actively-growing vegetative shoots, consider a split application of FUSILADE FORTE at 3.3 L/ha in spring and then 3.3L/ha in autumn, or a "double-knock" program in conjunction with SPRAY.SEED. This strategy involves the application of SPRAY.SEED during early summer to remove the top foliage, followed by an application of FUSILADE FORTE 50 to 70 days later to control any regrowth from the stolons and rhizomes. In general, the second application should be made once the regrowth is about 5 cm high, although timing is less critical with a split application or "double-knock" program.


Product Size Selection
5 L
Active Ingredient
128 g/L Fluazifop-P
Pack Type
Pack Qty
Brand Name
Country of Manufacture
Activity Type
Systemic Translaminar
Chemical Compound
Chemical Type
Liquid (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitor of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action. The active ingredient inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids and lipids, which are needed to maintain cell integrity and store energy. Plant growth stops within two days and susceptible weeds stop competing with the crop for available moisture and nutrients. Symptoms such as discolouration, necrosis and swelling are evident in 7 to 10 days.

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Fusilade Forte Herbicide - 5 Litre

Item No. FUSFO5


Product Size Selection
5 L
Active Ingredient
128 g/L Fluazifop-P
Pack Type
Pack Qty
Brand Name
Country of Manufacture
Activity Type
Systemic Translaminar
Chemical Compound
Chemical Type
Liquid (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitor of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action. The active ingredient inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids and lipids, which are needed to maintain cell integrity and store energy. Plant growth stops within two days and susceptible weeds stop competing with the crop for available moisture and nutrients. Symptoms such as discolouration, necrosis and swelling are evident in 7 to 10 days.


Fast and effective weed control of Couch and other grasses

FUSILADE FORTE combines the proven grass weed control and crop safety of FUSILADE with Syngenta's patented ISOLINK surfactant technology for improved performance.

Reliable control of grass weeds

FUSILADE FORTE provides powerful, post-emergent control of many annual grasses and certain perennial grasses in dozens of horticultural crops, ornamentals and nursery trees. It features a highly flexible application window and a high level of crop safety.

Unique formulation

FUSILADE FORTE features ISOLINK technology which combines the active ingredient, surfactants and oils into tiny micro-droplets within an emulsifiable concentrate. There is no need to add any surfactants or oils to FUSILADE FORTE.

Active ingredient

FUSILADE FORTE contains 128g/L of fluazifop-P, present as the butyl ester, with 156g/L hydrocarbon solvent in an emulsifable concen [1] trate formulation. Fluazifop-P is a member of the "fop" group of herbicides. For resistance management purposes, it is a Group A herbicide.

Mode of action

FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitor of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action. The active ingredient inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids and lipids, which are needed to maintain cell integrity and store energy. Plant growth stops within two days and susceptible weeds stop competing with the crop for available moisture and nutrients. Symptoms such as discolouration, necrosis and swelling are evident in 7 to 10 days.

Improved mixing and spraying

FUSILADE FORTE forms a stable emulsion when mixed with water, ensuring uniform distribution throughout the spray mixture.

The advanced formulation technology produces more uniform spray droplets, reducing the potential for spray drift or large droplets bouncing off the leaf surface of target weeds.

Improved spreading and uptake

FUSILADE FORTE with ISOLINK technology ensures more active ingredient is deposited on and retained by the leaf surface. The surfactants aid wetting and spreading, while the oils maximise uptake of the active ingredient through the leaf cuticle and throughout the plant.

Rapid absorption

FUSILADE FORTE is rapidly absorbed by leaves and green stems of grass weeds and is then translocated to the growing points of the plant, including the leaf tips, roots, rhizomes and stolons. This attribute means FUSILADE FORTE has good activity against perennial and annual grass weeds.

Superior rainfastness

FUSILADE FORTE is rainfast within one hour, significantly faster than other "fops". Laboratory studies on volunteer wheat and barley have confirmed that light rainfall after spraying has little - if any - effect on performance.

Couch grass control

FUSILADE FORTE delivers thorough and cost-effective control of Couch Grass in tree crops and grape vines when applied at 3.3 to 6.6 L/ha as a single application in spring or autumn. Use the higher rate for well established infestations or where greater control is required. Apply in a minimum of 200L/ha of water.

Commercial trials have demonstrated that FUSILADE FORTE delivers superior long-term regrowth control compared to Verdict*. For best results, FUSILADE FORTE should be applied to stands that have a large amount of vegetative shoots present at the same stage of growth.

"Double Knock" program to control Couch Grass

In stands that contain a high level of advanced shoots and therefore less actively-growing vegetative shoots, consider a split application of FUSILADE FORTE at 3.3 L/ha in spring and then 3.3L/ha in autumn, or a "double-knock" program in conjunction with SPRAY.SEED. This strategy involves the application of SPRAY.SEED during early summer to remove the top foliage, followed by an application of FUSILADE FORTE 50 to 70 days later to control any regrowth from the stolons and rhizomes. In general, the second application should be made once the regrowth is about 5 cm high, although timing is less critical with a split application or "double-knock" program.

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