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Clean It, Don’t Kill It: 
How to Effectively Maintain Your Irrigation System

In the world of irrigation, understanding the problem is the first step towards finding an effective solution. One of the biggest challenges growers face in their irrigation systems is biofilm. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at biofilm, why it’s so difficult to remove, and how AquaMate® provides a safe, cost-effective solution that ensures a perfectly clean irrigation system.

What is Biofilm?

Biofilm is a slimy, persistent layer that forms on surfaces frequently exposed to water. It's made up of a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and even plant pathogens like Pythium, which can damage root systems. This coating acts as a protective shield for these microorganisms, allowing them to thrive in the irrigation system.

The bacteria within biofilm secrete a matrix made of polysaccharides (sugar chains), proteins, lipids, and other molecules. This matrix bonds the biofilm to surfaces, making it incredibly difficult to remove. Additionally, it protects the microorganisms from harsh conditions like extreme temperatures and predators.

Stages of Biofilm Formation

  1. Free Swimming: Initially, bacteria float freely in the water and attach themselves to a surface using extracellular polymeric substances.

  2. Attachment: Once attached, the bacteria and their secretions form a matrix that binds them firmly to the surface and to each other.

  3. Growth: Over time, the biofilm thickens, creating a stronger and more stubborn layer.

  4. Dispersal: Eventually, parts of the biofilm detach and spread to new areas, repeating the process.

Once established, biofilm becomes harder to remove, posing a recurring challenge in irrigation systems.

Why Chemicals Aren’t Enough

Chemical solutions, such as hydrogen peroxide, are commonly used to tackle biofilm. However, they only target the microorganisms, not the biofilm matrix itself. As a result, the biofilm can quickly regenerate, leading to the return of the problem in no time.

The AquaMate® Solution

AquaMate® takes a different approach. Instead of killing the microorganisms, it breaks down the biofilm structure, preventing bacteria and pathogens from clinging to surfaces. Without the biofilm to protect them, these microorganisms cannot survive, resulting in a thorough clean that is both safe and highly effective. Additionally, AquaMate® prevents the accumulation of minerals and fertilisers, which would otherwise stick to biofilm-coated surfaces.

This innovative solution not only ensures a complete clean but also saves growers time and money by reducing the need for frequent chemical treatments. AquaMate® offers an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to maintain clean irrigation systems and support sustainable growing practices.

Want to Learn More?

Curious about how AquaMate® can help your irrigation system?

    •    Click here to view the new infographic that explains the AquaMate® process in detail.
    •    Click here to read testimonials from growers who have successfully integrated AquaMate® into their operations.

By incorporating AquaMate® into your irrigation routine, you’re choosing a solution that cleans without killing, ensuring a healthier system and better results for your crops. 

So, what are you waiting for? Order AquaMate® today or contact us at 1300 695 098 or for more information on how AquaMate® can revolutionise your irrigation system.

This article first appeared on

Clean It, Don’t Kill It: 
How to Effectively Maintain Your Irrigation System

In the world of irrigation, understanding the problem is the first step towards finding an effective solution. One of the biggest challenges growers face in their irrigation systems is biofilm. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at biofilm, why it’s so difficult to remove, and how AquaMate® provides a safe, cost-effective solution that ensures a perfectly clean irrigation system.

What is Biofilm?

Biofilm is a slimy, persistent layer that forms on surfaces frequently exposed to water. It's made up of a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and even plant pathogens like Pythium, which can damage root systems. This coating acts as a protective shield for these microorganisms, allowing them to thrive in the irrigation system.

The bacteria within biofilm secrete a matrix made of polysaccharides (sugar chains), proteins, lipids, and other molecules. This matrix bonds the biofilm to surfaces, making it incredibly difficult to remove. Additionally, it protects the microorganisms from harsh conditions like extreme temperatures and predators.

Stages of Biofilm Formation

  1. Free Swimming: Initially, bacteria float freely in the water and attach themselves to a surface using extracellular polymeric substances.

  2. Attachment: Once attached, the bacteria and their secretions form a matrix that binds them firmly to the surface and to each other.

  3. Growth: Over time, the biofilm thickens, creating a stronger and more stubborn layer.

  4. Dispersal: Eventually, parts of the biofilm detach and spread to new areas, repeating the process.

Once established, biofilm becomes harder to remove, posing a recurring challenge in irrigation systems.

Why Chemicals Aren’t Enough

Chemical solutions, such as hydrogen peroxide, are commonly used to tackle biofilm. However, they only target the microorganisms, not the biofilm matrix itself. As a result, the biofilm can quickly regenerate, leading to the return of the problem in no time.

The AquaMate® Solution

AquaMate® takes a different approach. Instead of killing the microorganisms, it breaks down the biofilm structure, preventing bacteria and pathogens from clinging to surfaces. Without the biofilm to protect them, these microorganisms cannot survive, resulting in a thorough clean that is both safe and highly effective. Additionally, AquaMate® prevents the accumulation of minerals and fertilisers, which would otherwise stick to biofilm-coated surfaces.

This innovative solution not only ensures a complete clean but also saves growers time and money by reducing the need for frequent chemical treatments. AquaMate® offers an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to maintain clean irrigation systems and support sustainable growing practices.

Want to Learn More?

Curious about how AquaMate® can help your irrigation system?

    •    Click here to view the new infographic that explains the AquaMate® process in detail.
    •    Click here to read testimonials from growers who have successfully integrated AquaMate® into their operations.

By incorporating AquaMate® into your irrigation routine, you’re choosing a solution that cleans without killing, ensuring a healthier system and better results for your crops. 

So, what are you waiting for? Order AquaMate® today or contact us at 1300 695 098 or for more information on how AquaMate® can revolutionise your irrigation system.

This article first appeared on